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Summer Update 1

This half-term has flown by faster than all the rest so far.  The excitement of swimming lessons is well under way and the children are now fully into the routine of getting to and from swimming lessons.  We have had the odd lost sock, but other than that, the children have managed to not go in the pool with any clothes still on other than swimming costumes and everyone has made it out almost in their own clothes!

The children may have spoken about their sewing as part of their DT project.  We have been incredibly proud of the children's resilience during this piece of work.  The children have learnt how to cut out a template, mark it up on fabric, cut it out, sew, stuff and decorate it.  We trialled three different types of stitches first and then the children selected which one they found easiest and would best suit their sea creature design.  Lots of children mastered the art of needle threading and gave tying a knot a very good go before conceding.  We look forward to seeing these pieces of work form part of a larger display being shared with the Trust in a few weeks.

Whip Stitch
Running stitch
Back stitch

In our Computing lessons, the children have excelled at learning how to take digital photos.  They have really thought about the composition of the photo and making sure they have the correct lighting and focus on the picture.  We then spent time back in the classroom using the editing tools on the iPads to crop the photos and add different filters and colouring.  The children were quite surprised at how photos can be changed so much!  Our gallery of photos is going to look pretty fantastic in our new classroom.

In our English lessons, we have looked at the following texts and enjoyed writing lots of stories, descriptions and sets of instructions.  Luckily, none of Brown Bear class decided to invent a potion that would cause any disasters to teachers!

The end of half-term was jam-packed!  Not only did we have kite making, tiffin baking and the VIP picnic, we also had the excitement of the Year 2 production.  Please make sure you check book bags for scripts, costume letters and song words.  Hopefully, all the children will love their parts and enjoy the buzz of performing on stage in the Summer-Term!