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Summer Update 1


In English this term, Sun Bear class have been working both independently and collaboratively. We have been writing poems, character descriptions, setting descriptions and alternative endings to stories. We have been focusing on using capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, and question marks. We have even started using exclamation marks to show different emotions through our writing. We have been enjoying using adjectives to describe different nouns within our writing and this has made our writing fun and exciting!

Our latest piece of writing is a character description of a cheeky pirate who goes by the name Davy. He has gone missing, and we need to find him. If you see him, please let us know! The children have described him as dishonest, clever, and worried. They have also said he has a tattered eye mask and stripy clothes.


In Maths, we have been extremely busy! We have been focusing on addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. We have been using our 2s, 5s and 10s to work out and solve problems, and we have been representing this in different ways. We made it our mission to explain our answers and show Miss Bowen how we worked the answers out. This could be through pictorial methods, using number sentences or full sentences, including the word ‘because’.

We also had ‘Numbots’ day, which was super fun. We made our own robot masks, had a special delivery of maths books and did some outdoor learning.


In Science this term we have been looking at plants and trees. We have been outside observing the different trees and flowers we have at Busbridge, and we have been sketching common flowers too. We looked at the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees and labelled the different parts of trees and flowers. We have even planted our own. We have planted sunflowers, forget-me-nots and sweet peas.


We have been resilient in DT this term. We have been sewing and making our very own hand puppets. We had to be focused and careful when threading the needle and this was quite tricky! We then decorated our hand puppets.

We are very proud of ourselves for being determined, patient and resilient!