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Spring Update

Sun Bear Class has had a fantastic start to 2024! We have been super busy getting stuck into the Spring term.

In English, we have been focusing on a range of texts, including poetry, nursery rhymes, traditional stories and instructions. We focused on colours and numbers when writing our very own poems, and we became performers, which Mr. Heatley and Mrs. Jones thoroughly enjoyed watching. We have also been retelling and writing play scripts for different traditional tales, including ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and ‘The Little Red Hen’. We are looking forward to next half-term when we will be focusing on letter writing and recounts.

In Maths, we have been focusing on number, place value and shapes, including 2D and 3D and multiplication and division. We explored shapes and compared them using their properties. We also thoroughly enjoyed counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and using our knowledge of this to help us with multiplication and division. We have become fantastic mathematicians this half-term and look forward to next half-term where we will further our knowledge of numbers and explore time.

In Science this half-term, we have been exploring materials. We sorted objects into groups using their properties. We also carried out an experiment to test which materials were waterproof or not. We had to save the Gingerbread man from the water! Which material do you think saved him? Which materials were waterproof?