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Busbridge Infant School PTA is a registered Charity, Number 1064985

The PTA is a voluntary independent charitable organisation; the trustees are made up of an elected mixture of parents and teachers. All parents at the school are automatically members of the PTA. The purpose of the PTA is to support the school, acting as a bridge for information between the school, teachers and parents and to enhance the education of the children through a strong partnership with the school itself.

PTA Members 2023-24

Chair – Ros Lodge

Vice-Chair – Ali Conacher

Treasurer – Emma Ellis

Secretary – Meagan Rees

2nd Hand Uniform – Kate Harrington

Plus Class Reps from each class

PTA Fundraising Events

Every year, the PTA hosts numerous events throughout the year, to raise much needed funds to support the school.

We have a number of annual, popular events including:

  • Elfridges: a Christmas Sale for Children to buy gifts for their loved ones
  • Summer Fete
  • Summer Camp
  • Quiz Nights
  • Treat Fridays
  • Children’s discos
  • And many more…

How You Can Help

Donate Time as a committee member, class rep, event organiser, crafter or using your skills for example fixing a shed roof.

Making a donation through your company or business (as a registered charity). Contact us for more details about how to do this.

EasyFundraising or AmazonSmile. Shop online via these portals and it is literally free money for the school.


Go to:

Enter Busbridge Infant School PTA in the search box

Click Join Us and enter your details and click on Create My Account


1. Go to on your computer or mobile device

2. On your first visit to you need to select Busbridge Infant School PTA as your chosen charitable organisation to receive donations. Go to Your Account > Your Amazon Smile > Change your Charity

3. Your selection will be remembered and then every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation

Investing in the School

Money Raised from PTA fundraisers has helped the school meet its larger and longer term goals, details of which can be found below.

The PTA continues to provide new resources and equipment of a smaller scale, such as arts and crafts materials, an annual Christmas play for all children, maths and literacy funding and many others.

Previous PTA funded projects have included:

New Furniture in EYFS classrooms

The Nest-break out space and curriculum kitchen

Clevertouch in all classrooms

Woodland Learning Area

Year 2 Outdoor area

This year we will be raising funds for educational experiences such as The Pied Piper Christmas Performance, and an author's visit during Book Week and the redevelopment of the early years outdoor area to create a much-needed improved safe and inviting learning space which the children love to use.