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House Teams

At Busbridge Infant School all the children and staff (with the exception of the Headteacher and Deputy Head Teacher)are allocated a House Team. The teams are named after famous bear characters which appear in various children's classic literature: Paddington, Baloo and Rupert.

Each House Team has 2 House Captains (these are changed on a half-termly basis and are voted in democratically) who are responsible for reading out the names of children in their House Team because they have completed their achievement card. The total points are shared in the weekly Celebration Assembly and the winning team are awarded with coloured ribbons for the trophy. The incentive to aim high in learning is rewarded with mutually agreed goals for different point totals.

Paddington Team 

Baloo Team

Rupert Team

Team Total: 162 Team Total: 153 Team Total:155

Our team capains for this half-term:

Isabelle & Tabitha

Team Goal for 150 points:

We will have a Numbots day.


Our team captains for this half-term:

Emilia & Zola

Team Goal for 150 points:

We will have a Numbots day.



Our team captains for this half term:

Dougie & Wilfred

Team Goal for 150 points:

We will have a Numbots day.