Home School Link Worker
Home School Link Worker (HSLW)
Our Home School Link Worker is Mandy Scully and she is available to provide support for all children and families at Busbridge Infant School.
What help can the Home School Link Worker offer?
The role is varied, solution focused and instrumental in supporting children and families to access the right support at the right time. The type of help can be:
- Supporting families and children reacting to change such as parental separation or bereavement.
- Providing links to agencies which offer support in areas including chronic illness, domestic abuse, Social Care.
- Liaising with outside agencies such as school nurse, health visitors, Mindworks (previously known as CAMHS).
- Helping to involve and support families with their child’s learning.
- Guiding families to local parenting courses and family learning.
- Supporting families at school meetings.
- Giving practical support with form filling and the Early Help Assessment (EHA) process.
- Assisting families whose children are reluctant to attend school
- Helping to support families who are struggling to cope with their child’s behaviour..
- Signposting support through the Family Information Service (FIS)
- Being a friendly face and a listening ear to address any worries or concerns that families may have!
This is a confidential service, however all information is shared with the Senior Leadership Team as part of our confidentiality policy. If necessary we may seek your permission to share the information with school staff or other agencies. Should a safeguarding issue be identified, we are legally bound to follow Government guidelines.
You can contact Mandy Scully by telephoning the school office or by emailing HSLW.busbridge@sfet.org.uk
Parent WellBeing Service
This Barnardo’s service is currently offering support to parents/carers across Surrey. They support parents/carers whose young people are experiencing difficulties with their emotional wellbeing and mental health.They empower and help to upskill parents to become a protective factor for their young people. Please download the attached flyer and referral form for more information.
Please do share with any parents or families you feel would benefit from this support.