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Autumn Update 2

What a fantastic end to the half-term we had!  The children and adults had an inspirational trip to the Natural History Museum, where we got to watch a show about how our oceans are being impacted by humans.  We were then able to spend some time looking at the fascinating exhibitions in the main entrance hall of the museum.  It was a busy day in London and the children were very well-behaved and a credit to the school.  This was a great way to end our Science learning and explore one habitat in a bit more detail.


In our English lessons, we have been enjoying exploring the Winnie the Witch series of books and writing stories about teachers turning into animals in class.  Our library visits meant that a lot of us chose to take out books similar to the ones we have read in class.  Have a look at some of our writing.

In Year 2, we focus on the 2, 5 and 10 times table.  We began recapping counting in 2.  This was the easy part!  We then had to learn how to write these as multiplication facts and then swap the facts around, as multiplication is commutative and therefore can be done in any order.  The hardest part, was then turning these into division facts.  It is hard to remember which number you begin with and which number you divide by.  We will keep working on this and then use it for the 5 and 10 times table in the next few weeks.



Our DT unit ended with a bang and it is going to be hard to top eating our own ice lollies which we designed.  Some of us even started planning how we would make them better next time we made them.

 Over the next half-term, we are all going to really work on the pace of our reading.  Now that the books we are reading are getting more complicated, we need to be able to read them a little faster to help our understanding.  Have a look at some suggestions for how to help improve our reading speed and some new suggestions for books that Year 2 readers might enjoy.

Graphic Novels for early Readers
All three of these titles are part of a series of books.
These will help work on speed as there is less text on each page to read.

Check back on the website in a few weeks to see what exciting things are coming for our Maths learning.  Miss Daughtry can't wait!

Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!