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Excellent school attendance is a top priority at Busbridge Infant School, as attendance has been shown to be a key component in positive academic, social and wellbeing outcomes for children.

At our school the target is 100% attendance and dedicated staff are in place to support with any issues that might impact your child’s attendance.

If your child's attendance drops below 90% you will be notified by Mr Heatley and if things do not improve you will be contacted by the Inclusion Service. Our attendance is audited each half term by Surrey County Council who will issue Fines and Court Orders in line with the Education Act 1996.

Registration is a legal process and all children are expected to be in school at 9.00am and marked as present for the morning session.

Registration after lunch is at 1.00pm and children are marked as present for the afternoon session.

If your child is unable to be present for any reason please notify the school office.

If you require a 'Leave of Absence' Form it can be found in the parent section under the section 'Forms'.

The school's Attendance Policy can be found in the Policy Section.