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Autumn 3 Update

The countdown to Christmas has begun! Since returning to school, they have been busy rehearsing their song for the Christmas production – we can’t wait to perform it!

The children all completed reading, SPaG, writing and math assessments over the past few weeks - they all did brilliantly! We are so proud of them all for their hard work with their learning! 

In Maths, we have been learning to use rulers to measure in centimetres, counting by 2s, 5s and 10s, sharing between equal groups and using positional language. In English, we have been writing different endings to the stories ‘Alexander and the Dragon’ and ‘Peace at Last’ and writing a character description of Paddington. We have also been learning to use question marks, plurals, and past tense as part of our SPaG lessons.


The class enjoyed learning about mechanisms in their design and technology lessons – they made a card using a sliding mechanism and a pop-up mechanism and used a wheel mechanism to create a seasons spinner.

We have moved on to History this half term, the class have been enjoying learning about the past – looking at how schools, toys and games have changed since the Victorian times.  In PE, the children have been learning about features of African dance and creating their own sequences of movement to African drumming music. They have been incredibly creative – we have been amazed at the dance sequences the children have been able to collaboratively put together!